Ozone Water Filtration
VeriPure utilizes Corona Discharge technology to create Ozone (o3) which is then dissolved into the water flow to sanitize your water safely all while using NO chemicals or harmful additives."
"Veripure combines elements of mother nature in a user friendly design to create pure drinking water with the capabilities of diminishing bacteria at the point of use.”
"VeriPure's Non Chemical Ozone Water Filtration System can greatly reduce your personal, family and customers exposure to foodborne pathogens, bacteria and germs."
Common Questions about Ozone
What is Ozone?
Ozone is earth's natural reoccurring purifier; Ozone is made up of three oxygen atoms which then bond together to create o3. Ozone is naturally found in the earth's upper and lower atmosphere and is what protects us from the sun's harmful UV radiation, Ozone is natural but is also man made and is formed by the action of ultraviolet light (UV) or electrical discharges. Ozone is then used in wide variety of applications for its purifying and disinfecting capabilities.
Ozone and VeriPure
VeriPure Water Filtration Systems create Ozone (o3) through the process of Corona Discharge. VeriPure then utilizes Ozone in its aqueous phase dissolved into filtered water in a compact POU design easily installed anywhere a sink and faucet are present, VeriPure can be used for the purpose of pure aesthetic drinking water, reduction of bacteria and foodborne pathogens on food, produce, meat, poultry, contact surfaces, etc.
Is Ozonated Water Safe to Drink?
Ozone in water is safe and can yield many benefits for you and your family. Ozone has short halflife, which means it reverts itself back to oxygen quickly but leaves you with pure filtered water. VeriPure's non-chemical Ozone System can greatly reduce your personal and family's exposure to foodborne pathogens, bacteria's, and viruses.
Ozone Uses in the Water Industry
Ozone has been shown to kill bacteria 3,000 times faster than chlorine found in most municipal water supply's all while leaving no chlorinated by products or chemical footprint behind. Ozonated water is used to sanitize food, drinking water, and surfaces in the home and commercial industries. Some examples are listed below:
●Disinfect laundry in hospitals, food factories, care homes etc. Disinfect water in place of chlorine. Reduce, Diminish and kill bacteria and foodborne pathogens such as E.coli and Salmonella on food or on contact surfaces.
●Water intense industries such as breweries and dairy plants can make effective use of dissolved ozone as a replacement to chemical sanitizers such as peracetic acid, hypochlorite or heat.
●Chemically attack contaminants in water (iron, arsenic, hydrogen sulfide, nitrites, and complex organics lumped together as “colour").
●Eradicate water borne parasites such as Giardia lamblia and Cryptosporidium in surface water treatment plants.
How does the VeriPure system treat water for Drinking?
VeriPure Provides a three-layered system. The first two levels of filtration are followed by dissolving powerful ozone gas as a final stage disinfectant which ensure flavorful and safe water
●As water passes through the first sediment filter dirt, rust and other particulates from the water are removed.
●The water is then filtered a second time when it passes through the carbon block filter which reduces cysts, chlorine, organics, and other impurities.
●The final stage, Ozone is dissolved into the water as it flows to the POU.
Is the ozone gas released into the air by VeriPure treated water harmful?
No. Your VeriPure Water Filtration System uses low levels of ozone to treat your water which is harmless when off gassed as it
reverts to oxygen quickly. Ozone is classified as an irritating gas only in high concentrations. The EPA has established strict guidelines limiting 0.1 parts per million in the air for eight hours of continuous exposure. Only a small portion of ozone in the treated water is released momentarily into the air. If all the ozone in one gallon of water were released into one cubic foot of air, the level would amount to 0.03 parts per million and would revert to oxygen within a few minutes.
How much ozone is dissolved into the water?
The VeriPure patented process creates Low Level Ozone Technology. The ozone concentration in the water ranges between 0.4 – 0.7 ppm.
What if my water doesn't taste good?
If your water suddenly has a bad taste, the problem could be the filter cartridge(s) are spent. Changing the water filters may take care of taste. Refer to “Filter Change” instructions in your manual or contact your distributor or VeriPure directly.
Is water treated by ozone safe to drink?
The answer is yes; the Ozone reverts back to Oxygen very quickly. To give an idea of how much ozone is in the water, 0.40 parts per million is the equivalent to one inch in 64 miles. The Ozone in the water is within the guidelines for ozone established by the FDA Bottled Water Regulations. Ozone was first discovered in 1840 and has been used to treat municipal drinking water since 1905.
If I want to reduce the "popping" when i initially turn on my VeriPure faucet, what can I do?
After you have the faucet running, gradually decrease the flow of water by shutting the faucet off slowly (watching for the water stream to become clear and void of bubbles). Once the steam is clear and void of bubbles you can shut the faucet completely off. The next time you turn the faucet on there will be no “pop” because there will be no pressure left in the line from the previous use.
Does ozone affect the taste of the water?
Initially, there is a slight aroma of Ozone at the POU (Point of Use). This dissipates after a short period of time, approximately 20 seconds leaving you with pure, clean, odorless filtered water.